
Resources for final exams.


I wrote a guide for studying (or learning in general) chemistry. It is not complete; check the status of it at the top of the page. Don't be intimidated by the amount of text; it is essentially the textbook condensed to something you should be able to read in 15 minutes and process in an hour. I give you, "One-hour Chemistry."

View One-hour Chemistry →

Chemistry Quizlet - Justin Mendelson

Justin Mendelson wrote a quick Quizlet on Chemistry! Go check it out on his Quizlet here.

AP World History

The following are my Notes assignments for APWH, for the chapters for which it was assigned. You are free to use, modify, and redistribute them at your discretion. You can see them individually here or download them all as a ZIP file. Click the PDF part to get in PDF format, otherwise, it'll just give you the Word file.

Quizlet Version of Study Guide - Justin Mendelson, Sydney Fredette, Ashkan Jamshasb (new)

These magnificent people (Justin, Sydney, and Ashkan) have created an excellent Quizlet based off of Mr. DuBois' study guide for AP World! Find it as a Quizlet flash card set here!

Chinese 2H

The following are links to Quizlet flash card sets for each of the Chinese lessons we have studied so far (TD 12-15). All of them are available publicly, and you can optionally join the class to get notifications for it. Note that it may contain more terms than are probably on the test, but honestly, you never know with Cao. Good luck, Chinese 2.

Precalculus H (Jon Prentice)

The incredible Jon Prentice has digitized the enormous stack of flash cards that is the precalculus content! Find it as a Quizlet set here! Note that they are not all available yet (namely the graph ones) but they're on their way!

English 2H (Caroline Cai)

The spectacular Caroline Cai has made a bunch of flash cards for the English 2H British literature syllabus! They are available as a Quizlet set here!

World History H + MUN (Sarvin Keighobad)

The fantastic Sarvin Keighobad created a comprehensive set of flash cards for everyone in World History & MUN! Go study it on the Quizlet set here!

Religion 2 (Mrs. Stephenson)

The superb Mrs. Stephenson has created several sets of Quizlet flash cards for her students for Units 1-3. You can find them all here or individually below.

More resources are coming! Email hello at if you have something to share to be posted here or if you need something from another class.

eugene was here